What Needs Nurturing in Your Kids?

Encouragement for dads on looking out for gifting and passions in their children and nurturing that as best they can


Dads, do you ever wonder;

what can I nurture within my children?

The other week I had a great friend and alumni, Mike Ayala, join a zoom call I facilitated for a select group of guys in my Guys Trip community to talk about how we can best show up as husbands.

Guys Trip is a brand all about helping guys reach their full potential as husbands and fathers, in their faith, in their fitness, and as leaders at work.

Mike was telling the group how his daughter used to come up to him and announce that "the play will be starting in 15 minutes and here are your tickets".  

Mike said his daughter used to love to perform.  But she hasn't done that in a long time (she's an adult now and out of school).  And he wonders if he didn't nurture that gifting and passion in her very well when she was young.

That got me thinking - and this is my challenge for you dads reading this - what can I nurture in my child?

As I was thinking about this for a few days it hit me.

It hit me in the shower.

My family recently spent some time in Florida and our son was sick for most of that time.  We got him one of those eucalyptus shower bomb things.  He wanted me to join him in the shower.  So we both put our swimsuits on and sat in the oversized shower together.

He needed his spirit lifted.  I could see it in his eyes.  So I asked if I could give him a hug.  Sheepishly, he smiled and said "sure".  ha!

("a cheerful heart is good medicine..." Proverbs 17:22)

So I picked him up and hugged him.  And softly started singing "Amazing Grace".  Soon, he joined me.  Little known fact:  I love to sing! 

When our son was really young, like diapers young, he used to fuss A LOT when I changed his diaper.  Without having any answers and out of desperation, I just started singing to him when I changed him.  To my surprise, it worked.  He would stop fussing.

Soon, he started singing too.  We have the most precious video of him singing "Amazing Grace" at just over 2 years old.

Cal used to LOVE singing.

But he hasn't done it in years.

Was there something I did to squeeze this out of him?

I've been scanning myself over.  Thinking.  Remembering.

I just don't know.

But I'm keenly aware of this now.

Do you ever think this way too?  My friend and guest speaker Mike was vulnerable enough to share with the group.  And I'm passing on that vulnerability to you.  Maybe there is some healing in here for someone.

Better awareness = better choices.

AND...it's never too late!