"The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives"

-Norman Cousins

Connection, Growth and Adventure

We are a community of driven men who refuse to settle, get complacent and become familiar with comfort.

We believe life is better when enjoyed together.

We believe you don't have to go at it alone on the journey of life.

There's a better way.

This isn't another men's group that meets only online or meets at a local coffee shop.

Our community focuses on in person micro-adventures together in the same city (Minneapolis).

The priority is connecting in person over a challenging and fun experience.

Membership has its benefits

The Benefits

Saturday micro-adventures lasting 3-4 hours that you won't have to drive more than 1 hour to.

Peer group of 6-8 other like-minded guys located in the same city as you.

Online learning opportunities to further connect and grow.

Monthly physical challenges to participate in.

Opportunities to learn from industry experts on the topics of marriage, relationships, health/wellness, career development, personal growth, finances/investing and more!

Our Framework

Personal Balance Sheets

There's a proverb that says "be diligent to know the state of your flocks and tend to your herds".

When's the last time you sat down and brought the intention to honestly assess yourself in all categories of life?

Your fitness.  Your marriage.  The relationships that matter.  Your faith.  Finances.

We've created the ultimate scorecard for your life!  And we'll use this to not only guide conversation during our meetups, but it becomes the thing that brings relationships to a deeper level.

The Personal Balance Sheets are what inform and guide all of what we do at Guys Trip.

What to Expect



March 16th (afternoon)

April 13th (morning)

May 18th (morning)



Online Learning

In between our micro-adventures, we'll meet as a group online via zoom.

Sometimes Kyle Depiesse will teach or facilitation connection.  Other times a guest speaker will share tools, tips and resources to help us become better well-rounded men.



Slack Channel

Dedicated group channel on Slack to share wins, ask members questions and other resources.


More adventure

Priority and Discounts

First to know and first to decide on joining upcoming Guys Trips!  Along with an additional 10% off discount.


What people are saying

"We have a tendency as high achieving and driven men to go after MORE.  What's the next thing?  How do I double it, grow it?  What we're less apt to do is slow down and get a current snapshot of owning current reality.  It gave me a time to get an honest look on what's working and what's not." 


It gave me the opportunity to shine a light on things that have been left in the dark.  You can see where you can be better.  But just as importantly, you can see where you're doing really well.  Which allows you to help the guy next to you." 


"Driven men are really clear on what they want, but not as much about what they need.  That is to be discovered by doing things like what Kyle provides with Guys Trip. You've got people that are ALL for you in these groups."
